The real estate market in Collingwood is booming and potential buyers are looking for homes for sale in this gorgeous waterfront town. Many homeowners want to take advantage of the high prices as a result of this boom. However, it is extremely difficult to sell a home that lacks curb appeal.
When it comes to curb appeal, many homeowners have heard the same suggestions and pieces of advice. However, few homeowners know exactly what to avoid. This makes it challenging for homeowners to create an enticing aesthetic. Thankfully, by doing a little bit of research, any homeowner can learn how to avoid making common curb appeal mistakes.
Curb Appeal Mistake — Parking the Car in the Driveway
A majority of homeowners own a vehicle of some sort. Generally, homeowners will park their vehicles in their driveways. This is a practical and convenient thing to do. However, before an open house, homeowners should consider parking somewhere else because a parked car is a red flag for potential buyers.
When a buyer spots a parked car, they instantly assume that the home doesn’t have enough storage space. If there was enough extra space, the homeowner would be able to fit their vehicle in the garage. Even if this assumption is wrong, it stays in the back of the buyer’s mind. To avoid this, homeowners should park at a neighbour’s or nearby friend’s house.
Curb Appeal Mistake — Tacky Decorations
Some homeowners like to decorate their lawn with unique or intricate decorations. These can range from lawn gnomes to life-sized sculptures. Although the homeowner may think that these accessories are fantastic, they may be scaring away buyers.
Homeowners that want to stand out from others properties on the Collingwood market need to utilize tasteful decorations. Additionally, these pieces should be subtle and discrete. Some examples of tasteful decorations include welcome mats, throw pillows, and planters.
Curb Appeal Mistake — (The Not So) Green Thumb
There is no denying that a beautiful garden can make any home look like a million bucks. However, for a garden to be effective, the plants have to be alive. Before planting a garden, homeowners need to make sure that they have the time to tend to it, especially if they are planning on putting the house on the real estate market.
This means consistently watering the plants, pruning them, and picking weeds. Homeowners that don’t have the time to do this should avoid planting a garden or hire a professional gardener.
Curb Appeal Mistake — Ignoring Quick Repairs
Before putting a home on the real estate market, homeowners need to take care of a number of repairs. Doing this will not only make the property look nicer, but it can potentially add a little bit of value to the home.
Regardless of if a house is new or old, there are always a number of odd jobs that can be done. Some of these tasks include:
- Repairing the doors (both front and garage doors)
- Replacing missing fence posts
- Fixing the doorbell
- Replacing missing shingles/fixing other forms of roof damage
- Sealing the driveway
These chores are perfect for homeowners that want to go the extra mile. Additionally, they are fairly easy, quick, and cost-effective!
Many people come from near and far to take in a few open houses in the Collingwood area. After travelling for hours, the last thing that a potential home buyer wants to see is a house that has zero curb appeal.
Homeowners that want to impress potential buyers should avoid parking their vehicle in the driveway and using tacky decorations. Additionally, homeowners should only plant a garden if they have time to take care of it. Finally, there is no repair that homeowners should overlook, regardless of how big or small it may be.
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