Condos & Luxury Property Trends
Condos and Luxury Homes are the top housing type in the world. Learn about real estate trends in Canada and around the Georgian Triangle.
Importance of Pricing Your Home to Sell
Selling your home is an immensely complicated endeavour. With a lack of professional advice, it can be a jumbled, stressful affair.
The Purpose Of A Home Inspection
Home inspections are often required when financing a new home purchase. Learn what to expect during your home inspection.
Best Place In Collingwood For Boat Owners
Want to know where to buy a house in Collingwood? We've got the scoop on the best places to live on the water!
The Benefits of having an Open House
A real estate open house is an opportunity to show off your home to potential buyers. Learn why it’s essential to have one!
Backyard Home Kitchen Trends for 2022
Backyard kitchen trends for your Collingwood home in 2022, some of the new designs and features this year are amazing.