127 ALFRED Street Unit# 81 Thornbury

127 ALFRED Street Unit# 81

For Sale
2   beds
2   baths
117 SLADDEN Court Unit# 10 Thornbury

117 SLADDEN Court Unit# 10

For Sale
3   beds
4   baths
328 SUNSET Boulevard Thornbury

328 SUNSET Boulevard

For Sale
5   beds
4   baths
110 NAPIER Street W Unit# 9 Thornbury

110 NAPIER Street W Unit# 9

For Sale
3   beds
3   baths
27 BEAVER Street Unit# 302 Thornbury

27 BEAVER Street Unit# 302

For Sale
2   beds
2   baths
150 VICTORIA STREET SOUTH S Unit# 113 Thornbury


For Sale
2   beds
2   baths
150 VICTORIA Street S Unit# 122 Thornbury

150 VICTORIA Street S Unit# 122

For Sale
3   beds
2   baths
11 BAY Street E Unit# 5 Thornbury

11 BAY Street E Unit# 5

For Sale
5   beds
4   baths
117 SLADDEN Court Unit# 18 Thornbury

117 SLADDEN Court Unit# 18

For Sale
2   beds
3   baths

Find your Dream Home with a Local Real Estate Agent

A local real estate agent can help you determine what you are looking for while helping you attain that dream home faster than searching properties on your own or with an out of town agent. Contact us today and we will put you in touch with a REALTOR® that specializes in this real estate market.

    We can confidently say that whatever you are buying, our REALTORS® will provide you with the very best PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL, and PROGRESSIVE service if your goal is to purchase real estate in Thornbury.

    If you are looking to buy real estate in Thornbury Ontario, you will find that our REALTORS® are passionate about helping you achieve your successful real estate transaction. At Royal LePage® Locations North, we understand that your time is valuable, so we will do our homework to learn your search criteria and then get to work finding qualified properties for you. We do not want you to waste your valuable time looking at endless properties for sale.

    Thornbury Real Estate

    Our work is not finished after choosing the perfect property and having it under contract. We will continue to give you the expert advice and services you need so that the process of buying real estate goes smoothly. We can also assist you with locating a rental property if you need one to bridge the gap between closing on your current home and buying the new one.

    Our goal is to fulfill any need you might have when buying Thornbury real estate, so we do not want you to hesitate to ask our agents for assistance with any part of the process. Our team will work diligently to be a valuable resource from start to finish. Whether you choose something from our extensive compilation of listings or need to rely on our knowledge of the area to seek out your dream property, we will ensure that your objectives are met.

    Schedule an appointment with one of our Thornbury real estate agents and get answers to any questions you might have.

    Buying Real Estate in Thornbury

    At Royal LePage® Locations North, we thoroughly understand the Thornbury marketplace. We also have an awareness of properties that are about to be listed for sale.

    Our team of REALTORS® will listen to your needs and discover the perfect home, and we will make sure that you make an educated and informed decision before making an offer. Once you choose a property, we will represent your interest vociferously throughout the purchase process, negotiating the best possible purchase price.

    To get started, contact one of our real estate agents to guide you through this journey.

      Selling Real Estate in Thornbury

      At Royal LePage® Locations North, we thoroughly understand that choosing the right real estate agent to sell your property is one of the most critical decisions.

      It can be the difference between your home sitting on the Thornbury real estate market for months or selling quickly for the above-asking price. From marketing to advertising, photography, videography, internet exposure, staging, timing and presentation, open houses, pricing, and dozens more nuances all make up the difference between failure and a successful sale.

      To get started, contact one of our real estate agents to guide you through this journey.